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Author's Personal Message
Dear Readers,
Thank you for joining me on this journey as I present my first book to you. I’ll keep this introduction short and simple so that we can dive straight into the heart of why I wrote this book in the first place—this book is my gift to you. The road that led me to the place I am now, having written this book, has been long and arduous. The various maps I’ve used to lead me along the way have been worn out, faded, re-drawn, discarded, replaced for newer versions, and torn to shreds in frustration many times over. So much frustration, until I realized that the journey and the destination has been in God’s hands all along, never mine. He has plotted a much better course for me than anything I could have imagined, and I’ve finally learned to trust it. Moving forward, God has control over the map, and I’m here in service, humbly and respectfully, for you. No matter what your personal beliefs about God might be, this book is a manifestation of my journey, as I share my personal life stories with you, coupled with the lessons I’ve learned from it all. My intention and hope is that it might inspire, uplift, motivate, and mostly help you discover specific actions that you can take to get more out of your own life, fulfill more of your own goals and dreams, and provide tools and tips that can propel you on your own journey. Thank you for joining me, and I invite you to connect with me if my words touch or impact you in some way. You can reach me through my website or social media, and you can even book me for a speaking engagement for your corporate event, seminar, or class—wherever I can serve to inspire, motivate, and spread positivity. I look forward to hearing from you all. ~ J. Hunter |
Who are YOU becoming?
Kicking Off Your Journey
When did you stop believing in yourself?
You are so blessed you have no idea! It's not what you have been through, it's who you have become. Start to change your mindset, start to say up lifting and motivating words. No more I can't and no more I'll try and no more you don't understand my situation. No More!!!! Start saying : I am so blessed , I am a child of a king, I can do all things through Christ Jesus. You can't stop me! I may fall but I will get back up and keep pushing forward. My story has only just started! My past is my past! My future will blow you away! J. Hunter |